We are a nonprofit organization that aims to tackle the problem of many businesses and other organizations not having a website so that they can get their product or service to a larger group of people. We believe that having an online presence is crucial for success in today's digital age. By offering our services, we hope to empower these entities to reach their full potential and thrive. Our mission is to bridge the digital divide and create opportunities for growth and innovation.
We can provide you with our classic website or a more personalized premium option. If you already have a website, then you can get the upgrade option. In the classic option, you will be able to describe your website and the information you want conveyed. Our coders will generate a site that shows your organization. In the premium option, you will be able to more specifically describe how you want your site to be and customize your site so that it reflects you and your organization and displays what makes you unique. In the upgrade option, you will be able to describe how you want your website to be changed and our coders will work on making your site better.
There are so many organizations that do not have websites and, as a result, are not able to get themselves out to the world. There are a lot of organizations that could truly make the world a better place. It was depressing to see these organizations never have a chance at becoming a major thing because of their lack of a website. In an effort to make sure that all organizations have a chance at reaching out to the masses, the members of our organization banded together to provide websites to these organizations so that these organizations may one day create a better tomorrow.
If you are an organization or a small buisness in need of a quick website, contact us. Our email address is sitesforall.ngo@gmail.com.